The hunting season has started with things being kind of slow. We have seen several does: a 4, 5, and 6 pointer, and three coyotes. Abby slowed one of two down Saturday morning. Pawpaw was able to climb up in a tripod on the first morning after his stroke. That was the best thing so far this season!
We are 98% complete on the lodge with most of the work left to do is landscaping on the outside. This weekend while we were there a hawk landed in the tree next to the lodge. I think he was saying he was keeping an eye on things while we are away. He just posed for his picture while we made several shots of him. He was showing off his sharp beak here.
In this picture you can see his powerful claws that he uses for hunting.
The lodge has been decorated for Thanksgiving.
The handrail is made of hickory that we cut off of Dewberry Lands.
The deer racks make it feel like you are in a hunting camp. Most of the racks came off of our property.
The table is made of wood salvaged from downed trees on Dewberry Lands, compliments of April 27th storms. The trees were Mountain Chestnut Oaks and the table is made of the heartwood from those trees. It was made into lumber, planed, and I built it for the lodge. It is beautiful wood.
....and oh, this is the view from the porch.