Wildlife Pictures

Red Fox above the pond.

Indigo Bunting, two sightings one at Bowden Grove and the other at Pine Grove property.

Spring time turkey in yard at home.

Bald Eagle

This hawk was watching over the light, snow covered ground for prey.

Bluebird enjoying the cool morning. 
Off to work looking for food for the little ones in nesting box.

A chipmunk enjoying seed that are easier to find after a prescribed burn.

Many woodpeckers that visits our back yard.  

He knew the season was over!  Two days after the season he comes out in the open chasing does.  He will be a nice one next year!

Gray Squirrel watching the deer in rut acting wild down below.

Another type of tree frog

Southern Black Racer

Green Tree Frog 
He had gold eyes. 
About to jump. 
Safety in a muscadine vine!

A Bullfrog at our pool.

James with a caterpillar he found. 


Backyard visitor.

A large bobcat at Pine Grove in the firebreak 
It was there in the middle of the day.

Coyotes at the food plot off of Skyview at Bowden Grove.  

There were at least two as you can tell in this picture.  We had probable 10 pictures with coyotes in them and I don't know exactly how many there were here.  They are after the deer turkey and rabbits at this food plot.

Two fawns at Pine Grove in the firebreak.

The young hen with a beard.

The old hen with a beard.

Fawn on September 24 in yard.

The first strutter. September 25th.

Then another.

Everyone joined in.

All five showing their stuff.

The five as they strutted down the hill.  It will be dangerous in that bunch next spring.

Five jakes on Dewberry Lands.

They come to this spot and sun and clean their feathers.

This morning was a busy morning.  These two above will be monsters next year!

A small buck in the backyard at our house.

A racoon James and I caught.

A Keeper!

Only seen once

Wide rack

Eagle or Osprey

Eagle nest

Boss of the Spring