Last week I completed my task of removing the loblolly pines from our stand of longleaf pines that are three years old and we had just put a fire through them. This was a task that is not a normal practice but I wanted to make this stand as pure as I could. The next time we burn, the loblolly pines that might now come up in the stand will be killed by the fire because they will be small. Twenty years from now this will be a beautiful site to see as these pines start to reach to the sky.
It took some time to complete this project which I started with a machete as we burned and then I completed this project with a weed cutter that I rigged up with a 10" saw blade a few days later.
We don't just work, we have to play sometimes! James, now seven, spent part of the time he was with us on Spring break last week panning for gold in one of our streams. He is all into rocks and mineral now and was excited about what we were doing that day. We found some gold (dust) in the stream but no big nuggets. He has the gold in a glass jar. Maybe next time we will find a nugget!