Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happenings This Past Week

Started out this week, on Monday, with a prescribed burn of four year old longleaf pines.  This stand was burned two years ago.  We got a real good burn, knocking back the hardwood seedlings and burned up lots of briers.
Then on Tuesday morning, Eli and his mom went by the logging operation and watched the logging equipment in action.  He got to watch the skidder, loader and log truck in action.
After some time I went to a tract of 22 year old pines, about 130 acres of loblolly pines, that we did a prescribed burn on.  We got  a very good burn with only one jump that we got extinguished very quickly.  Next week I will be back to painting boundary lines before the woods get too thick. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Timber Harvest

We have started a timber harvest where we are going to be converting this site back to longleaf pines.  There are some nice trees being harvested that will make great lumber and plywood for some new homes.  It is good to see these nice trees being made into a product that will help house someone, somewhere.
This site will be planted back as soon as possible after the harvest to start the next generation of trees for future homes.