Saturday, December 28, 2013

Another Christmas Come and Gone

It has been a busy time trying to make all the Christmas family gatherings and a New Year is looked forward to.  Since last post we have been able to work some hunting in and arrangements are being made to reforest the area in 2014 where we completed the harvest cut.

This was one of the strangest things I have ever seen at sunrise over Dewberry Lands. It was cloudy except for the horizon on the eastern sky.  The sun came up shining under the clouds and at the same time there was light rain in the area.  The sun and the light rain made a rainbow that was vertical like none I had ever seen before and never a sunrise rainbow.

Just before dark my grandson and I came out of the woods from hunting on the property where we had timber cut, James found a stump cut off up high and he had to climb up on it.  He wanted his picture made.  He was a forest statue.
On another day we were hunting and he saw a spike coming out in the field where we were sitting in a stand. He pointed out the deer to me as came out in the field.  It kept coming until it was with in ten steps of us.  This was the closest a deer had been to him out in the wild.  I was able to get a picture of it as it came to us.
Nathan got his second buck Christmas Eve.  This was his second eight pointer, so for the remainder of the season he will have to be very selective of the last one he can harvest. There is a three buck limit in Alabama.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wood For Buildings

Below is a link to a video about wood.  It was sent to me from the American Forestry Foundation and I wanted to share it so others could see it.  This is a really good video about how wood makes a building more appealing.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Christmas On Dewberry Lands

We went out on Saturday before the Auburn/Alabama game and looked for a Christmas Tree.  All four of the Grands (ages 7,5,3,and 2) were with us and they were so excited about finding a tree. 
You can see the excitement on their faces as I started cutting down the tree.  It was a cedar that I had been trimming on each year as I would walk past it while hunting or trimming limbs along the road. 
After cutting the tree James went over to the stump to count the growth rings to see how old the tree was.  He said it was eight years old. 
We loaded the tree up on the truck to leave the forest.  James said he was glad we had Dewberry Lands.  He is already developing an appreciation for the forest and you know that really pleases Granddaddy! 
This is what Christmas is all about!  These three little Dewberrys were so excited as they helped their dad decorate the tree that we had gone out and harvested off of our property.