Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Felicia Speaking at Workshop

Felicia recently spoke to a group of teachers at Auburn University.  She spoke about private forestland owners and how their forest management benefits all of us.  This was the Teachers Conservation Workshop sponsored by Alabama Forestry Association.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Hot Summer In Alabama

Some of the native wildflowers that are loving this hot, humid Alabama summer weather.

Chufa field being planted for the wild turkeys

It is nice having help from you daughter and two of your grandchildren but they got hot so they had to make a quick trip to the stream to cool off.
Very refreshing!

This is one of our larger fields where we planted sunn hemp for the deer.  In less than a month fawns will start to drop and this high protein plant will be a welcomed food to the diet of the lactating does.