Last week after returning from Disney World on Tuesday evening, Wednesday started with a lunch meeting with Congressman Mike Rogers. I asked him to support two bills that are of importance to forest landowners. One bill was to protect forest roads from EPA requiring permits on these roads. That is the way it is now but the West Coast Courts are trying to change that and this bill will put a stop to this craziness. The other bill I asked him to support is a bill to include "Forest Fairness" in the Farm Bill to allow forest products to be used for bio-fuels. He says he will support both of these and we appreciate it.
Then on Thursday night we had a Clay County Farmers Federation meeting. We took care of several items and made plans for the Commodity Conference to be held this year in Mobile.
On Friday I went to check on our property at Bowden Grove and I made a picture of the Kudzu at the end of the field. The deer had really enjoyed this fresh, fertilized, high protein food. They didn't leave many leaves on the vines.
The corn, sunflowers, grain sorghum, brown-top, chufa and sunflowers are looking good. The deer are really working on the sunflowers already and the turkeys are enjoying the chufas. The corn needs rain but the round-up cleaned the weeds out of the corn and rain is forecast in the next few days.