Monday, July 22, 2013

Animal Rescue to Huckleberries and Summer Food Plots

The other morning while we were eating breakfast we saw something in the pool, it was a young chipmunk.  He was desperate to get out because he swam right up to me for me to get him out.  He stayed on the concrete for a short time then scampered off to his home.

We found a patch of huckleberries the other day after a rain while out.  We picked several for eating.
James and Selah enjoyed the berries right out of the hat.  James said these were the best berries he had ever eaten, I agree!

Between rains we were able to get one soybean/browntop field in.  The deer are working on the soybeans but the turkeys will be fat on all the seed that are to come.

A sampling of the deer tracks.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Lots of Rain

It has been a wet and rather cool year so far this summer. We were not able to get corn in this year and only have one field planted in soybeans, browntop, and sunflowers.  We still plan to plant chufas and more summer crops if weather will permit.  Had a welcomed site where we were unloading the tractor the other day before all this rain, it was where young turkeys had been dusting in the road.

Last week I spoke to loggers school and certification.  I spoke on prescribed fire, a landowners view.  It seemed to go over real well.  I was one of three presenters that day.