
2015 Classroom in the Forest

Students from the fifth grade in Ashland
and Lineville attended the "Classroom in the Forest" this year.

Stream Crossing Tour

Curt Simon, Alabama State Conservationist for NRCS

Dr. William Puckett, Director, Alabama for Soil  and Water Conservation Committee

Numerous guest at the Stream Crossing Tour September 15, 2015.

Some of the visitors at the educational seminar on forest roads, held 8/26/2014.

Fifth grades from the county, 2014, in Classroom in the Forest.

The Tree Farm visiting team: Karen Boyd, Tim Browning and Joann Cox.
Joann Cox, assessor and forester for Price Waterhouse and Cooper doing the Tree Farm assessment.  She is from North Carolina.

Alfa and Alabama Farmers Federation President Jimmy Parnell visited our lodge a few weeks ago on his Three-a-Day tour of counties.  Our local county board of directors met with him for an up-date and question and answer session.

"A Walk in the Forest" Participants 10/9/2013 
This event was held for women only.

Congressman Rogers,  his Agriculture person from Washington DC, and Sherri Rollins his District Director were all at the lodge for a meeting with his local Agricultural Advisory Committee from East Alabama,  The main discussion was the new Farm Bill and hopes of getting it passed.

RA's from Lineville Baptist Church enjoying an evening in the forest.

Jean Eles Denis and Raymond Avril from Haiti touring Dewberry Lands.

Students from Auburn University, College of Agriculture

U.S. Congressman, Mike Rogers, on a visit to our Tree Farm

Dr. Gaines Smith, Director of Extension, Auburn University on  one of our tours

Dr. William Puckett, Natural Resource Conservation Service, State Conservationist, visiting

Each year a fifth grade class visits for "Classroom in the Forest"

Auburn University Raptor Center assisted with a Forestry Tour on the property

A tour on the McCollum Property abour Wildlife Mamagement

A tour on the Bowden Grove property about rail history in Clay County

Doug Link, Head of the Alabama Tree Farm Committe, on a tour of the property