May was a busy month dealing with things required of me by organizations I belong to. One week in May, Alabama had auditors for the Tree Farm audit which required visiting 49 Tree Farms in the state that were randomly chosen for visits to make sure Tree Farm was in compliance with the third part audit. Felicia and I started in Huntsville and helped with the North Alabama visits.
Since I am the Chairperson for the Alabama Tree Farm Committee I helped transport auditors to various properties and have since had conference calls with the national Tree Farm office about this audit. Alabama had no BMP (Best Management Practices) problems. This spoke well of our state. It was good to see other Tree Farms and how they were being managed.
My grandson learned how to plow as some of our summer food plots are planted with more to go.
I took one day off with my grandchildren to visit Cheaha where we enjoyed a cool June day. My grandson had worked hard that week and that day was his reward.
We have had vandals on our property setting fires. This has happened twice and the Clay County Sheriff is looking into this problem. This was not planned for.
In the last issue of Forest Magazine I wrote an article and one of my granddaughter had said she wanted to be in a magazine so I was able to meet her wish in talking about getting children outdoors.
She was so happy to be in the article.
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